17 August 2010

Now I lay me down to sleep

When G doesn't want to say her prayers LM says them for her and it goes a little something like this:
"Now I lay G down to sleep, I pray the Lord her soul to keep
May angels watch her frough the night, and wake her wid the mornin light"
So very sweet. Personally I think she feels special when her brother does that and so she refuses on purpose so he will say them for her ;)

15 August 2010

Some of my favorite things in G.'s room

There's just something about having a girl...the fun girly things we get to pick out, shopping for a girl is so fun and sharing all those special moments with a daughter is just so wonderful. I have never been one for themes in a bedroom. I like to kind of do the shabby chic eclectic mix of things important in my life. Actually, my whole house seems to be like that....a hodge podge of things that may not all match but have some significance to us and where we were at that point in our lives. And as you all know photographs are one of my favorite things to display because they make me happy. Taking them, framing them and hanging them is one of my delights. Anyway, putting G.'s room together was such fun for me..no , it's not fancy but just a mix of things I love that make me smile. I tried my hand at photographing some of them and did okay I suppose but here they are:

Pile of tutus

This belonged to my mom and aunt growing up and I always loved it

Jennifer found this for G.'s room and it matched perfectly
My bargain finds
Just love this...makes the colors all come together
Mom and Dad brought this on a plane from AL to WA for the kids--handmade by a friend
Another of my favorite things in G.'s room, her sweet watchdog
My clearance find at PB
Another of my mom and aunt's things-loved this growing up and it became G.'s recently

07 August 2010

Beach fun

Beach  and summer fun