19 July 2007

Oh, I wish I were in Dixie.....

.....away, away........it's in Dixieland......anyway, That is my serenade to the fact that I am going home. Yeah, that's right. We booked tickets today and we are going home. Here we come crickets chirping in the evening, here we come humidity and sweltering heat, here we come good southern food and Sonic...and here we come beautiful white beaches with no rocks to cut my dogs feet all up. (of course the dogs won't know this b/c they will be here stuck in WA --which I know is not fair but at least it's the prettiest month here......Beau will smell Mimi and Paw paw's farm on me and be very upset when I get back). Oh, I can't wait for the little man to experience a swimming pool in the summer heat, running around everywhere and finally talking to all the relatives although as it is some variation of Mandarin I am not sure whether they will understand him. :)
Right now the little man has been sick for several days but is fever free currently and mommy got it ....yeah, how great so my throat is three times its normal size and according to the doctor "has stuff growing on it" sounds pleasant. So here we go with a dose of pennicillin which is not tasty by the way on an empty popsicle and chicken broth stomach. Let's just all pray I don't infect daddy or the little man again......

13 July 2007

Mr. Beauxjangles part dos

So it was cancer......something called melacytoma or something like that. Good news: They feel the extractions got it all and it's not as aggressive as regular melanoma so unlikely it spread acc. to the pathologist or whomever. Bad news: again likely to come back and we have to be vigilant about checking him and any unusual spots and getting bloodwork done as well. That, we can do!!! So for right now little man has his Beau Beau around a little while longer. YEAH!!! Sweet Beau , for those of you who have known and loved Beau.....and that's a lot of you...thanks for your thoughts and prayers. We have made it through this and we are grateful. Daddy especially as he is his dog.

The little man is out of control.....we must learn to pick up after ourselves. Every room he leaves it's as if a tornado of grand proportions came in and swept everything around. It's so funny I have another friend who has a blog and the boys are days apart and going through the same exact things at the same time.....so that means they will just teach each other the bad habits in the years to come......which means the mommies may go clinically insane :) So yeah, the little man is a daredevil to boot. I pulled out the stepstool this am and he just climbed right up to the top like nobody's business and started trying to unlock the front door. WOW.....how did he know to do that. He has been reaching for handles for a while but this was a whole new level. I can't believe how fast he figures things out or copies things....he now copies daddy sneezing and blowing his nose and HOT, blowing on things that are hot. He is a full on little boy now, no baby at all. Alright it's naptime....... and P.S. Not hot anymore.......it didn't last long!!

11 July 2007

It's hotter than a pig in mud in summer......

.....or something like that(heard it yesterday on Army wives which I tivoed). I am loving this weather......after a long winter, spring and summer so far we are being blessed with a heat wave. The Lord is giving me something to smile about after so many months of bleak rain and clouds. We have broken 80 for the past two days...WOOHOO!! The little man is running around in a diaper or swim diaper and sometimes a t-shirt. Now he knows what it's really like to be in AL.....wearing just a diaper. We still have a lot less humidity but the sun and heat are wonderful. The locals are dying here.....Okay , seriously. This is not heat, just a nice spring day where I'm from. Alright, I understand that the homes have no a/c here and that your body is conditioned to the mild climate but really? It's wonderful. For the first time the little man can get out and not freeze in his wading pool. Kids just ought to know what swimming outside is like.....it's a rite of passage every summer. Your summer isn't complete without having several great days/ weekends swimming in an outdoor pool. Anyway, today is a praise day for the sunshine and warmth. On days like this with our house here overlooking the water I am so grateful for being here.....and still working on being grateful for the other 9 months of the year here. It's a daily struggle but days like this make me see there is potential for this place to earn a spot in my heart because with the boats passing by constantly and the cliffsides across the cove it reminds me (just a little) of the French and Italian coastlines. Who knows what the Navy has in store for us but if Daddy has to come back here he might be on his own except for the summers like these :) D.- out

07 July 2007

Mr. Beauxjangles

Well, Beau has some suspicious moles again... we went to the vet to have them checked out . The vet and we feel they need to come out regardless and get a biopsy. So, he is due for surgery Monday morning and we are hoping for the best. The moles are in his scrotal area and popped up fast and aggressively and given his history of melanoma we are taking every precaution. So keep Beau in your prayers this week and hope for the best. Best case scenario we are all wrong and it's not melanoma....worst case , it is melanoma and has spread beyond the moles . Just a quick update on us and the dogs.......we have had a low key weekend so far and daddy returns tonight from his trip. Jackson's new best friend has been Beau lately b/c he learned to say Beau Beau so he goes in search of him and yells his name....it's pc. The other two are just DAWG still.......we'll keep everyone posted.
p.s. an anonymous prayer request please for a friend and her family.....just pray for healing and strength as they are going through a test of strength right now......thanks

05 July 2007

Can you pass on OCD?

Okay, yall all know I am OCD, crazy about cleaning, organization, etc. but you must know this as well. I have a Monica closet.....actually several monica closets, drawers, cabinets and about every 6 months I organize the chaos in my monica closets (for those of you who don't know what a Monica closet is ---first shame on you :) and second reference season 9 of Friends.... Anyway, I have this condition picking up , cleaning compulsively, etc. Daddy keeps telling me it would be okay if the house were a little messier......so I noticed today that the little man is grabbing a rag and wiping the floors....ay yay!! What have I done?? He also has to have his sippy cup in the cup holder on the tray of the high chair. If you move it out of there he will move it right back. And right now he is OCD about hats and putting them on everyone, strangers, Beau (who is now Bobo---love to hear him say it), mommy, daddy, the Lion.....everyone! But alas, I am sure the hat thing will pass and I will be sad when it does and we will say remember when .....like the other day when daddy and I remembered when he used to take a few steps between us every night and practice walking and we would clap and get all excited. We don't do that now because it's old hat. I hope we are capturing enough memories b/c there are so many I feel like I am forgetting something.............already!!