03 December 2007



"Yes, buddy?"

"Buddy, buddy, buddy"

--------------------------Next time he calls daddy:

"Buddy?, Buddy?"


Now, I am a little partial but this could be the cutest thing ever.......hearing my son go around and call his daddy buddy. Ready to go, buddy?....Buddy, do!! It's so cute!!! It's so amazing he picks up on that stuff so quickly. He is full on talking and saying sentences.....mind you we only understand half of the sentences but get the idea what he is talking about most of the time.

We put up and decorated the Griswold family Christmas tree this weekend....It seriously is a monster. Every year daddy lets me pick a big tree because I love a big tree. For three years we had dinky spanish trees or no tree at all so I am having fun getting huge trees. This year let's just say I went a little overboard.....Daddy turned down the first 4 trees I suggested and now I know why. I have no ability to relate how big these things are when they are standing next to each other......so after little man chased the puppies at the tree farm and we took pics on the sleigh we picked a tree..not sure why I couldn't see this when the tree was next to daddy and much taller but hey it was getting dark and I was hungry and pregnant in my defense. So, we got the tree and somehow got it out of the car......correction.....daddy got it out of the truck from where it was poking out the back end. Then after hacking away at the bottom in the freezing cold the sweet husband I have discovers I have picked such a big tree that it is bending the tree stand. That's right! So , next morning he gets a new tree stand for "up to a 10' tree" ---which by no means does this mean I can ever have a 10 foot tree, unless of course we move to the white house :) Anyway, it finally comes in and we have the cutting of the netting fully expecting to blow out a few windows and a squirrel to come popping out at us a la Clark Griswold, thankfully that didn't happen but it was a beast to get decorated and we barely had enough ornaments to cover the three sides that are showing and we have A LOT of ornaments. So, we are enjoying the "dree" as little man says and have discovered it is almost 9' tall. A little ridiculous I know but I was blinded by hunger and darkness :)
Needleess to say my tree privileges have been revoked in the years to come......

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