29 November 2007

December is almost here......

The little lemon to the left (yes, I know it's upside down) and remembering this time last year w/ Little man

I love Christmas....everything about it.....the hustle and bustle of the shopping, the lights, smell of a freshly cut Christmas tree, eggnog....pretty much all of it. I am looking forward to little man's reaction to all things Christmas this year. Daddy already hung our lights outside and we had a dramatic plugging in of the cord at sunset a la Clark Griswold although thankfully there were no damaged Santas and Reindeer as a result nor was cousin Eddie in the driveway as a surprise either ;)

It's such a special time of year to be with the ones you love and share all those fun traditions but with it can come such stress. I look around and see all my friends leaving to go home to family and how stressed they are about upheaving the kids and how exhausted they will be running around to see everyone.....it's sad but true. Every magazine you pick up has tips on how to keep all the family happy at Christmas and I think , what has this come to? It makes me sad to see people so stressed out to go home and see family for Christmas but I can say I truly understand how they feel about it.....pulled in 50 million directions.....EXHAUSTED........kids are cranky and out of their element not to mention all these new people......did I mention Exhausted? It is great and wonderful and I know everyone means well but it's sad when people are having anxiety attacks over going home.....I have had a few myself I must admit. Logistically trying to work the schedule is a nightmare and you can always count on getting sick after flying so pad time in there for that. I figure this is my blog and I can talk about what I wanted to talk about today and it's the Christmas good times and the stress......it just is sad that people can't be excited about going home and sharing the holidays with their loved ones. I can remember as a kid being pulled in 50 directions and feeling that pressure as a kid......little man and baby will not feel that if I can help it.

Okay , I am off my soap box and on to talk about more funny things ......

like the fact that he says "booty"...Mommy messed up and said sit on your booty and now it's his favorite word and is saying it everywhere, doctor's office, grocery store.

He helped me make oatmeal cookies tonight and I could only think of this picture of Daddy when he was little helping his mama on a chair make cookies or a cake and it's too cute. He loves to help me measure and sort out the ingredients and then to taste as it goes along. I am not sure how butter and sugar mixed together taste but to him it was pretty tasty. He climbs up in his chair to help and says "I big boy" in the big boy chair. Last night I started crying after kissing him goodnight because he looked up and said love you mommy......man how I love that child. My grandma keeps telling me I will never have another one this sweet and maybe she's right but I'd like to think it's my wonderful childrearing ;) that made little man this way so maybe baby 2 will be this way too. Speaking of Baby 2 I felt it move..... a little flutter in my belly when I settle down at night and since this is old hat I know what I am feeling this time and it's not hunger pains or other issues we won't discuss. It's exciting to think Daddy will be home this time to feel the first kicks .....he had to wait several weeks before he felt it for the first time last pregnancy b/c he was gone so we are thankful for that little blessing. AND......Beau did have cancer but it was same as last time and we caught it and will be on the look out for more.....another blessing and prayer answered. BT's scare was a reaction to penicillin injection and has gone away so "it's not a tumor" in my best Schwarzanegger voice. Anyway, happy holidays to all.....don't stress too much and take some time for yourself and to remember what it's all really about anyway.....and it's not us :)

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