20 June 2009

So glad to be home...

As I put LM to bed the other night he looks up at me and says:
"Mommy, I am so glad to be home...I like my room and my bed." It was so sweet. I guess kids just love the familiarity and comfort of home just like we do.
He also informed me and everyone else in the Target bathroom that "daddy doesnt' have to wipe his peepee mommy, he just shakes and is all done"
*** Now , mind you this is the second time he has mentioned daddy and his unmentionables in relation to pottying in the Target bathroom for some reason....and all the ladies in there find it hilarious. You never know what will come out of that mouth.
Miss G. has taken off and is walking so well.....I am so surprised that she is already turning corners on her own and just basically walking to where she wants. Beau and I laid on the floor yesterday and she managed to maneuver around us while walking as if walking through a maze. Just like her brother she just waited until she gained the confidence and it's all systems go now.
They both have been cracking me up so much lately amongst the timeouts, fighting, snatching and all around naughtiness I do catch glimpses that they love each other.....but not while sitting side by side in the Costco cart...that's just a mess..but a funny mess.
While at dinner tonight we ordered LM an Oreo sundae. He loved it, we all shared and he didn't mind at all but the funniest part was when he looked at me and said "Mommy, I have a brain freeze!" I said " Wow, buddy , where does it hurt?" And in his best pitiful voice he rubbed his tummy and said " it hurts right here in my brain mommy". Now, if that's not cute, what is?? ~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the tummy brain freeze comment!! Got a good chuckle out of that one(o: