19 July 2007

Oh, I wish I were in Dixie.....

.....away, away........it's in Dixieland......anyway, That is my serenade to the fact that I am going home. Yeah, that's right. We booked tickets today and we are going home. Here we come crickets chirping in the evening, here we come humidity and sweltering heat, here we come good southern food and Sonic...and here we come beautiful white beaches with no rocks to cut my dogs feet all up. (of course the dogs won't know this b/c they will be here stuck in WA --which I know is not fair but at least it's the prettiest month here......Beau will smell Mimi and Paw paw's farm on me and be very upset when I get back). Oh, I can't wait for the little man to experience a swimming pool in the summer heat, running around everywhere and finally talking to all the relatives although as it is some variation of Mandarin I am not sure whether they will understand him. :)
Right now the little man has been sick for several days but is fever free currently and mommy got it ....yeah, how great so my throat is three times its normal size and according to the doctor "has stuff growing on it" sounds pleasant. So here we go with a dose of pennicillin which is not tasty by the way on an empty popsicle and chicken broth stomach. Let's just all pray I don't infect daddy or the little man again......

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