13 July 2007

Mr. Beauxjangles part dos

So it was cancer......something called melacytoma or something like that. Good news: They feel the extractions got it all and it's not as aggressive as regular melanoma so unlikely it spread acc. to the pathologist or whomever. Bad news: again likely to come back and we have to be vigilant about checking him and any unusual spots and getting bloodwork done as well. That, we can do!!! So for right now little man has his Beau Beau around a little while longer. YEAH!!! Sweet Beau , for those of you who have known and loved Beau.....and that's a lot of you...thanks for your thoughts and prayers. We have made it through this and we are grateful. Daddy especially as he is his dog.

The little man is out of control.....we must learn to pick up after ourselves. Every room he leaves it's as if a tornado of grand proportions came in and swept everything around. It's so funny I have another friend who has a blog and the boys are days apart and going through the same exact things at the same time.....so that means they will just teach each other the bad habits in the years to come......which means the mommies may go clinically insane :) So yeah, the little man is a daredevil to boot. I pulled out the stepstool this am and he just climbed right up to the top like nobody's business and started trying to unlock the front door. WOW.....how did he know to do that. He has been reaching for handles for a while but this was a whole new level. I can't believe how fast he figures things out or copies things....he now copies daddy sneezing and blowing his nose and HOT, blowing on things that are hot. He is a full on little boy now, no baby at all. Alright it's naptime....... and P.S. Not hot anymore.......it didn't last long!!

1 comment:

Connie said...

Thank goodness!I was thinking about that since you told me!!!