07 November 2007


Let's touch on a few things......pee pee not happening anymore. We are not pushing it but encourage it and he gets on the potty but nothing happens , even with Reeses Pieces involved but singing itsy bitsy spider while on the potty is a must.....oh how I love to see Daddy sitting in front of a boy on the potty singing itsy bitsy spider....it's so cute although daddy doesn't think so.

He is talking so much it's crazy. I am so proud of him. Lovey is his favorite right now because he carries him everywhere. ***WArning****** if you don't want to hear about my pregnancy sickness skip this section although it will have a funny story at the end.

Another funny thing he is doing is copying me puking. We stood in the bathroom the other day and as hard as I try not to let him see me sick he does sometimes and let me add that that sweet baby comes and rubs my back and lays his head on me and says "mommy? " as if to ask if I'm okay. One of those memories I will never forget, it's burned in my brain because it's so sweet.....anyway......as we are in the bathroom he goes to the toilet and we say no, no and he says okay and then turns around and says "blaghhh" into the toilet just like mommy and looks at daddy and says "Mommy , blaghhh". Daddy nearly fell out laughing so hard and I said did he really just do what I think he did? Oh yeah, we have a fake puker on our hands now........too funny.

And on the last note, again please pray for our Beau because again he has some moles to be removed which look just like his melanomas from last time and we are hoping at least it's contained and hasn't spread. He is such a sweet dog and not sure what I'd do if I had to see him in pain....he just had his 8th birthday along with Mattie and he is aging fast.

On a lighter note does anyone watch DWTS, seriously what is going on with that show, deaths, stunning exits, fainting, etc. It's a whole different season. I don't know who I want to win....Love Jennie Garth, Scary spice rocks too but Helio is so darn cute with that huge smile (does he remind any of you VQ people of Geo?) Too funny!

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