11 February 2008

Ch, Ch, changes......

Well, the time has come to change little man to his new room. I worked all last week moving furniture and stuff around our house to make room for his new bed, dresser and such. Yes, I know I shouldn't have been moving furniture but I a little impatient and when daddy doesn't get home until really late everyday it means I have to do much more than anticipated. Not that it's daddy's fault but let me say I am capable of doing this stuff and why not. If he weren't here I would have to do it anyway, right?

So, yesterday while getting the room ready we talked about the transition and put little man in his bed and let him try it out and he played with bear and lovey in the new bed and we tried to make it similar to the old room (which I might add is now officially girly). So as the big evening approached daddy bathed him and got him ready for bed and I showered quickly so as not to miss a second of this transition. We all as a family went into the new room and got excited about it , said our prayers and said night night, love you, etc. We put little man in the bed and he looked up , grabbed lovey and said "night night Mommy, night night daddy, love you" rolled over and went to sleep.
I, on the other hand went into the living room weeping as it was a big deal and the room wasn't a baby room, it's a big boy room!! it's a big deal!! I went to check on him several times as he lay in a peaceful slumber while I bit my nails wondering how he would react when he woke up in a different place. It was all fine and he did great, easy transition so far, for Little man that is :)
We are staying busy preparing for baby girl who is yet to be named......I have a favorite and daddy has a favorite and we can't even talk about it anymore before we go crazy. It's in negotiations is all I can say.........
We'll keep everyone posted on our name progress and put up more pictures of little man soon!

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