11 May 2008

Brain freeze

No, that doesn't mean because of the pregnancy I have a brain freeze of thoughts.....wait , maybe I do.....it's more like a brain lapse sometimes.
First off, I am proud because the last two weeks have been so busy and gone so fast we are two weeks down in this thing....woohoo!
Now on to the brain freeze. Little man and I ventured to Costco this am and on our way out we were sharing a smoothie. Then out of nowhere he started handing me the smoothie saying "cold drink, cold drink" .....I took it.......then he says " hurt eyes, hurt eyes" so it scared me right? Then I realized he had taken too long of a drag on the straw and given himself his first baby brain freeze. Poor thing I couldn't help but laugh.......and then I did the same thing :0- What I get for laughing huh? :)


Kelly said...

Ahahaha! I think I've figured out how to make comments! Yes!!!
I just wanted to let you know that you're being prayed for on this side of the ocean, too, and just just by me. :) According to her parents, my 7-year-old friend MG prays for you and the Js every day.
Lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.