27 May 2008

Sugar and Spice........

Sugar and spice, and everything nice......I guess I will have to find a new title for the blog now since we have added sugar and spice to our household. That's right ......Miss G was born last Thursday at 5:27 pm weighing in at 8lb 13 oz and 21 inches long. Basically labor was the same as it was with little man. I tried desperately to go into labor for a week b/c daddy was coming home for a visit and there was no way he wasn't going to meet her. So I cut grass, walked , drank special teas, had the doctor do stuff, and ate raw oregano and basil. The Dr. claims it was him that brought it on.....I am not sure since I was in the middle of trying so many things......but anyway. On Thurs. am I woke feeling fine and as soon as my feet hit the ground I started having very irregular contractions just like with little man. Went in to see if anyhthing was going on and they said uh , dear you are 5 cm dilated......so my comment was ......guess that means I am not going home , huh? And after a trying, failed epidural on the right side I finally got a spinal and moved on to push for about 10 minutes and she was here. It was beautiful and bittersweet too. Wish daddy could have made it but he got here the next day and joined us. Little man is a great big brother who comes running when she cries and always wants to kiss her and love her.

We had a nice few days as a family and with my mom's help were able to relax some. Then daddy left. It was harder this time.....I'm gonna say b/c of hormones. It's been harder for little man this time b/c he is more aware of it. He misses him so much and doesn't understand and asks for him constantly. Its that stuff that makes it hard for me to hold it together but I do and thankfully it's getting easier to come up with clever answers.

G is so cute....a little orange from jaundice but still precious. She looks more like mommy is what they are telling me but has daddy's huge feet.....it's so cute. This dainty little baby girl....wait she was almost 9lbs so not so dainty but still a baby girl with these feet....it's so funny. We are glad to have her and be blessed with her presence.

Everyone has been so sweet and wonderful and we thank you all for your support and love over the past few weeks. I will continue to post pictures of her and little man when I have time.

1 comment:

Jolie said...

Congratulations Daphne!!! How absolutely wonderful!