05 July 2008


.....can be detrimental do your sanity. No, not the kind we drive but the movie. Seriously, I have seen Cars at least 50 times. With the lack of decent sleep, being mentally exhausted from trying to outsmart a two year old and housework I have found myself reciting witty lines from the movie and cracking up at myself. Am I going crazy? Maybe it's time I need an adult day :)

Here's a scene from just one minute of my day that leads me to seek refuge in the wit of Pixar animation:

LM spots a car I have been saving for "motivation" shall we call it:
Want Doc, mommy...see it up there (on top of fridge)
Mommy: Baby, you have to be a good boy and be obedient and kind without screaming and being ugly before you can have Doc.
LM: Sorry, mommy (because sorry makes everything all better)
Mommy: No, baby , you don't have to say sorry you just have to be nice and obedient today and you can have doc.
Mommy: That's not being obedient, can you be a good boy?
LM: Sorry, mommy
Mommy: (in my head) where is doc, sick of fighting with a two year old and trying to explain obedience.......
So I get parent of the year....right?

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