29 September 2009

Just blossoming...

My little G is just turning into quite a talker.  She is just talking up a storm....trying new things and adores her brother to no end.  Her latest words are "poop" which is just hilarious when she follows you into the bathroom (there's no privacy here people) and points every time you go whether it's that time or not. 

Lime popsicle faces

Now we have "peepee" added to our arsenal......but the most important she has learned is "no, no , no" If she doesnt' want to do something she runs from you shaking her head, "no, no , no".  Learning the no, no has helped in the screaming we used to hear so often when brother took something from her but still is not the best word to add to vocabulary.  She can identify all our dogs by name now and can effectively give them a stern "go" from the kitchen when they try to get her food...but she also laughs hysterically at them when she feeds them when we aren't looking.  I think she loves Beau the best..he's her buddy. Here's a few pics and I know, I know, working on video..haven't had much time to upload videos they take a while but I'll try tonight if daddy will stop hogging the computer.  LM is so funny here's our latest exchange during our late night before bedtime talks and cuddles :
Mommy: what are you doing baby boy?  (as he was stroking my hair)
LM: There is a boogie in your hair
M: what??? how'd that get there?
LM: very matter of factly : I put it there....
then he says in a sinister little way: "is it tickling yoouuuuu?" 
Thank goodness daddy witnessed all this or no one would believe that I promise...what a stinker...definitely all boy except when it comes to bugs--not so fond of the bugs but I gotta tell you neither am I.

the green icing LM and I made to go w/ our cupcakes

the toilet G clogged up by putting en entire roll of tp in it

first time w/ yogurt feeding herself

watching the clothes go round and round and round and.....

G with her puppies......LM was in his room having a hissy fit thus not participating in the photo session

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