04 September 2009

Rafael Federer....

Right, right .....I know that's not the proper name but what my dad has said LM could be:  "you never know , he could be the next Rafael Federer".  We do all know their proper names but it's fun to be silly like that.  LM has taken a liking to watching tennis since the US Open is on right now and also football.  Today we took him out to play tennis again and he did GREAT in my book.  He refuses to hit a one handed forehand but hey --he's three.  He hit the ball over the net several times this time and was very determined to keep doing it.  We were so proud of him just trying so hard --he normally gives up easily if it's not something he could master quickly and with this he stuck with it.  Lots of fun!
G. ....well she's just G....into everything, like a little tsunami that comes through. She adores her brother and is getting a mouth full of teeth.  Trying to talk and says "tank tu", "dac-ton", "beau" and "diaper".....videos to come soon of her talking..gotta get them uploaded.

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