16 September 2008

Talking points......

I was just watching O'Reilly so thought I would steal his header :)

LM has taken to calling me "Mame" as if it were some sort of french name. NO idea where he got that..but he wants to call me anything but mommy. He is running around calling me by my name or dear or babe or mame....hopefully we'll come back around to mommy soon.

He also wants to ride his motorcycle and tricycle like Fred Flintstone by pedaling his feet. Today was the first time he actually pedaled with his feet on his tricycle so that was an accomplishment.
He is potty training and doing a great job as you all well know. He asks me to "leave you alone and give you privacy" which I have discovered is code for I will now unroll all the tp all over myself , th efloor, toilet, etc. The other day I went in to find it all wrapped around him like a mummy but by the time I got the camera he had unraveled himself. And yesterday he decided we needed to buy a plunger so he stopped up the toilet by unrolling nearly a whole roll of tp in the toilet.
LM also has an obsession with anything "puzzy" which means fuzzy.. I am not sure if it's PICA but it's a strange thing and he decided a few days ago that Miss G needed to hold some fuzz in her hand. No idea this interchange ever happened because he was very stealth about it .....until that is she threw up a little piece of fuzz. WHAT?????? I calmly asked him if he gave her fuzz and he said "yes, I put it in her hand" which meant it went straight to her mouth. We then had a nice little talk about how we didn't ever give sister anything without asking permission first...etc.

Miss G is doing great. We saw the doc today and she weighs in at her 4month visit around 15lb and 26.5". The kid is off the charts.....not sure if she really is but she is precious nonetheless and enjoying all her smiles and lovey hugs and cuddling. She wants to be held and loved and cuddled a lot and I am happy to oblige most of the time. The doc was looking around at her neck b/c she had been suffering with some congestion and snorting type stuff that she really has done since birth but had cold/goopy eye symptoms so he was checking her glands but obviously had a hard time finding them among the fat rolls in her neck..or does she even have a neck? :) She is talking now and saying "na na na" Not sure what it means but she is trying to tell me something. They are both doing well.......LM missing daddy a lot and asking when he will come home on the airplane....or he asks when we can go and pick daddy up at the bus(shuttle). I am glad he misses him but it breaks my heart at the same time. But, we are nearly halfway there already. It's going by fast and we are counting down the days and months.
I am so ready for fall tv to start......CSI's , Unit, NCIS.....all my favorites. I just tivo them and watch one in the evenings when I am not exhausted. It won't be the same without my partner here to watch and make fun of and laugh at the funny ones and try and decide who was right about who the killer was and who knew it/ called it first. But he won't miss The Hills, Grey's or any of the other girly shows I watch I am sure. Okay, I'm out --going to hit the hay. Kids wore me out today.

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