28 June 2007

Mommy the vampire slayer

WOW.....teething can be so difficult. I all of a sudden have little Dracula on my hands here. We were at playgroup and he tried to bite a playmate and now that is the new preferred method of releasing all frustration. What? You say no, to me?? Charge with mouth open, like a bull in Pamplona only without the horns. Daddy has yet to see much of this behavior b/c he dare not bite daddy.......so I am the vampire slayer trying to keep him from biting everything and everyone. I am waiting on him to try and bite one of the dogs and realize it doesn't taste so good :) He had a grand time playing in the sprinkler here yesterday while we had nice weather and then the temp changed in 5 minutes to 15 degrees less so we had to go inside.
Poor daddy came home to total chaos yesterday. The little man goes around in the evening moaning until it's time to eat and especially with the teething.....very annoying.....so he is doing that following me around and banging on the door to go outside even though he is dripping wet and it has suddenly changed temperature as if Ice Man has come through.....a dog is puking outside .....then another.....the other one is just barking to come inside and eat (while I am trying to get to fixing her special wet food b/c she has just had a tooth extracted) and I am trying to fix our dinner. Daddy walks in and it's like a tornado......welcome to my world. I know he needs to decompress but yesterday he didn't get to....actually those days were over when the little man entered the world. But I think it's okay with him when the little man beams and says daddyz all the way down the hall following him when he comes home. By that time he is so sick of mommy he can't stand me.......Anyway, hopefully will be having a ladies night out this weekend.....we think we have conned the guys into taking the kids so a few of us are hitting the town....actually probably just dinner but hey it's sounding good to me. If this works out maybe we can hit them up for a spa day later......doubtful but maybe :0

26 June 2007

Could men handle childbirth????

Daddy and I have had some sort of stomach bug that we managed to give to everyone we know....sorry yall :( and I had it this past Sunday, tired, achy, vomiting.....the whole nine yards, you get the picture. I managed to take a nap and recover a little and still do stuff with the little man and help take care of him. Now, let me get this out first before I start my rant.....Daddy is a big helper, he is great with the little man and I didn't want him contaminating the little guy anyway.........BUT.......... apparently men can't handle it quite as well when they are sick. He does turn into this big baby. He used to not be so bad and would buck up but lately he has not been handling it as well........I thought he was dying as I heard him wretching in the bathroom. I ran in there ......oh , he's just puking no big deal. It WAS a big deal......OH how I must love that man to clean up after him. I know this is too much information but I am getting to a point. My point is I distinctly remember him saying to me at the end of the pregnancy when I had a few problems and was in a lot of pain b/c the little man was sitting directly on top of something he shouldn't have been.......I distinctly remember him saying shortly after I gave birth.......and did I mention I was taking Percocet (sp) and having contractions through it all until I was dilated 5cm at home.......like I was saying he said to me that he thought I was faking it or being dramatic. DRAMATIC????? Yeah, it was dramatic considering I should have been doped up but was still in a lot of pain called contractions. I do love him but my point to all of this is to ask the question.....after all of his moaning and groaning and being sick could he really carry a child for almost 10 months and deliver it, probably not :) At the height of my morning sickness I was sick at least 7-8 times a day and we took a trip to go skiing (daddy really wanted to go skiing) and on the drive up there I puked several times into a ziploc bag and proceeded to do so for the two days we were there. It was not a pleasant trip but he got to go skiing.......again I love the man with all my heart but it's just so funny how when guys get sick (and ladies you know we all talk about this) how the world must stop and they are SO sick.....and he was bless his heart,........ I'm just saying is all...... Okay I ranted enough today about a silly subject and when he sees this he will inevitably want to kill me for sharing personal business and may never speak to me again but what else do we have to do but laugh at ourselves ......I am sure I can post enough emberrassing things about me to fill up a whole page or two......like the time I had tp hanging out of my maternity pants and went through the line at Target and no one told me......I couldn't see it for goodness sakes b/c my belly was too big. somehow it had gotten trapped in there when I put my pants back up. Oh , I can laugh now but was mortified as I walked out to the car and felt something tickling my arm and discovered it was tp.....yeah, wondered why all the cashier's were laughing.

On another note the little man is saying so many words and going through a hat phase , wearing any and all hats he can find. Fascinated with them. Yesterday he said ball and out, he also chased BT and Mattie around with beads to put on their necks.....Mattie retreated to the sick room choosing to be with the puker in the bedroom rather than be subjected to the little man's torture and BT looked at me as if to say "Seriously" how humiliating? Oh how I love that child with all my heart, when he pokes his bottom lip out it rips my heart right out. I always wondered if I would be a good mom and I think I am still learning but I love him so much I must be doing something right........ :) D-- Out

25 June 2007

A week in review......

Well, we have had a pretty nice week looking back.....the little man did have a runny nose to start the week and had some teething pain which meant sleepless nights for me but he made up for it by sleeping in until 8:30 one morning.....yeah. We had a playdate with some friends and BT tried to kill one of their puppies.....a sweet Dane pup who now may be turned into a ferocious dog b/c of BT. That is my theory, he now is traumatized for life due to BT and we are going to have to pay for our friends to do a Cesar intervention......maybe not but it was ridiculous. The BT is just getting too big for his britches.
We also went to the Farmers market and enjoyed some Indian Frybread and truffles.....yum. The little man enjoyed getting carried in his backpack carrier....he loves looking around. We had a BBQ sat night which turned into an indoor event due to inclement weather.....IMAGINE THAT....REALLY? Here?? Okay, I am off that soapbox for the next 15 minutes at least. :)
The little man has been doing this thing where he points to tell the dogs to "get out of the kitchen" b/c we say that a lot so when we start a sentence w/ get or out he points for them to leave.....WELL..... while playing on his castle yesterday I told him to be careful.....as he challenged me by dipping his foot over the edge and losing his balance several times. All I could see was a head first dive into the carpet.....so as I kept repeating this he proceeded to stand one legged and try to climb to the highest reaches of the castle by putting his feet in the windows and hoisting himself up. Finally I sternly said "that's enough, sit on your bottom" to which he gave me the pointing finger telling me (just like the dogs) to "Get out" . Daddy and I cracked up!!! What comic relief! What are we gonna do with him?

19 June 2007


Will I recover from this exhaustion of chasing a 12 month old around? I guess I should say that Billy Blanks had a hand in today's exhaustion.....yeah, that's right , watch out I am doing TAE-BO. Okay, so I am not nearly as efficient as I'd like to be yet, but it's a great workout. Anyone who knows me knows I am not so coordinated and there is a good reason tennis was my only strong suit. (Annie I had flashbacks of Regina in Spain and the core class) But alas, I am working on it and hopefully can stick with it.
The little man has been so cranky I have wanted to just lock myself into a closet. He is FINALLY getting more bottom teeth but along with that has been 4 days of not sleeping well, cold symptoms(which he gets everytime he teethes) and cranky crankerson. Maybe I will just call him CC this week, or is that a little too Poison-esque....or was that Motley Crue......either way that was a long time ago. He has been PC lately (refer to previous posts for decoding of PC) with new words...everything is a nana or dawg, flowers, fruit , grass, people......but let me clarify ......the PC isn't outweighing the CC these days. I told someone the other day that this sure seems like a lot of pain and trouble for a little baby to go through just to lose all of these stinking teeth in a few years. Well, better get some sleep now because CC finally went down with a mouth full of orajel.... :)

13 June 2007

And we're off.......

The little man is off and running......he is walking mostly now and a little crawling. We had a playgroup today and he was much more interactive with the other boys than before which was good to see.....although there are some issues with sharing, imagine that. Daddy has been working a lot this week and we haven't seen him much so we are making due in the evenings by reading and playing with the dogs. It's cold again here so we are inside today awaiting the next burst of sunshine to get outside and soak it up. We are gearing up for Father's Day...daddy got a pair of shorts from Old Navy (btw: having a 40% off sale for guys stuff) and a card early from all of us. We plan on getting him some of his favorite chicken lasagna from a local shop (take and bake type of thing) which is much better than my lasagna and one of his favorites. Been working on the embroidery machine doing little projects for friends. The hopes are this will turn into a business and something I can keep doing while moving around. Easy home based business type thing but we'll see. We'll keep you posted......BTW ANyone have any thoughts on our next candidates for 2008? As you know I am a die hard republican but not sure right now......it's interesting to say the least on the right side.....did find an adorable website that a friend sent me w/ republican elephants smocked onto john john's and rompers.....yeah moms if you need that link I can forward it.....don't think Jackson won't be sporting one for election time!!! D-- Out

10 June 2007

If the shoe fits......

......the little man is trying to put our shoes on his feet. It's so cute that he knows where they go and same with sunglasses, loves sunglasses. Today he found the toilet again within seconds....he is getting better at walking everyday. We had a lazy Sunday after church with the rain today. It's pretty much been a lazy weekend. Even the little man lazed around with the dogs on their bed.....yes, we do let him get up there with them. Can't really stop him, he doesn't understand or care that he will get dog hair on him.....that is why I change the sheet covering the dog bed so many times in a week. There are worse things I suppose! He loves his dogs so I won't stop him from loving on them!
I am working on embroidery projects with my new embroidery machine. It's fun and frustrating at the same time.
We'll see what tomorrow brings!

09 June 2007

My little baby is no more

I can't stand it! Every time I look at him I think how my baby just disappeared overnight. I don't know why I didn't let Daddy cut his hair, but I didn't. We went to a lady and she did a great job but it is her fault he is so grown up now b/c she cut the curls away. Now don't get me wrong I didn't want him to have a mullet (daddy's biggest concern)...b/c we have seen some baby mullets and they are none too cute but alas we did the first haircut and it is fine but he looks so much older. Walking everywhere now, pointing at things with his hand in the air and nodding at you....as if to do that southern " 's up" thing. Yall know what I am talking about....it's pretty cute. Enjoy the pics.

08 June 2007

Lovey in the trash??

We are working on a new nap schedule....trying to go down to one since he woke up at 7 am today. Yeah!!!! Trying to hold off on a nap until after lunch. Ha, not sure if that will happen. He's pretty cranky and just got mad and put Lovey in the diaper champ. Not a good sign.
We'll see if we can hold out until after lunch.......on a different note he is walking without assistance from one place to another now but only if you pretend you aren't looking. It's pretty cute....I say that a lot but I think most everything he does is pretty cute...maybe I should just start calling him PC.....

06 June 2007

Rainy Wednesday

So, it's raining today....but at least it's not the hurricane force winds like yesterday combined with the rain. Yesterday, the little man learned the help me put clothes in the dryer. As I took them out of the wash he stood by at the dryer door and when I placed the clothes on the dryer door he pushed them into the dryer...so cute...he is getting so big boyish. He even helped pick them up off the floor and put them back in the dryer.
The little man is at the sitter this am so I can clean uninhibited or without him chasing me and the vacuum cleaner. I have put the pack n play away( so nowhere to stow him away for a few minutes) although he still enjoys it because we got a lot of stuff for his bday and had nowhere to put it all. We save the pack n play for real emergencies like washing the cars or when he needs to be contained so I can make some coffee..like the last two days. Ok moms, what to do when they are waking all of a sudden and won't go back to sleep for hours and everytime you leave the room they scream. That's the past two nights. We are trying not to pick him up b/c my theory is he is manipulating us to pick him up and lay down with us...daddy doesn't care about that, just wants sleep. He did get up with him two nights ago and lay on the couch for a few hours of quiet but last night we let him cry it out and went in every 5-10 minutes. Finally he went to sleep....any advice appreciated b/c I feel terrible about it but I know if I pick him up he will think SCORE, I won! and we have created a bad habit. Maybe I give him too much credit. :) Okay, off to scrub some toilets and mop the floors :)

04 June 2007

I really did have a puppy.......

So daddy comes in this evening to tell me that the little man found a dog bone which he normally picks up and gives to one of the dogs..right..no big deal...this is a fun game they play with him. Well, instead today he decided he needed to taste the bone himself and as daddy walked around the corner he saw him playing with other things in his hand and holding the bone in his mouth like a dog. We are in trouble if he is imitating them......hope he doesn't decide it's okay to hike his leg or squat somewhere.....just kidding of course!
I did hear this whaling cry earlier and ran in there where he and daddy were playing and he had fallen into the toy box--head first--none toohappy about trying to get that veggie tales book out.
Oh well, the adventures with a toddler are neverending...wouldn't trade it for anything :)

On a different note I wanted to share with some of you some of the things I miss about being in the South this time of year and things I am learning to like up here....
I miss vine ripe tomatoes on a blt and sweet tea, Waffle House (yall love it too, admit it)

I miss hearing crickets every evening and seeing the Gulf Coast beaches at sunset...swimming in a pool outdoors because it's hot and you want to cool off....it makes me sad that Jackson misses out on so many of the things his daddy and I grew up with.....fresh Gulf shrimp and crab...sorry but it's not the same up here.
Okay, enough south reminiscing....from time to time that will happen.....my southern ramblings so I apologize to my friends who are tired of hearing that stuff.
I am thankful for the sunsets here on our back porch.....you can watch the sunsets here without being carried away by mosquitoes and sweating buckets. Moderately warm temperatures that allow you to still wear capris and put a light jacket on in the evening. Thankful for all the fresh fruit here..every berry imaginable, cherries and the fall pumpkin patches are beautiful. Rambled enough, going to bed now.....

Long year or short year?

So, here we are a year later, still in Whidbey Island. I must say it is getting better with the summer months and we are discovering new parks and trails and meeting new people , making new friends. Most of our VQ friends have moved on and are in different locations......and Jackson is 1 year old.....WOW! Time flies, but it's been a long year(translation Winter) here but everyone keeps saying it was the worst winter in about 20 years .....they said that the year before too so I am not holding my breath for the next two.
Okay, so Jackson is a year and saying mama (only in distress), daddys (while looking for daddy.) and dog with a really cute southern drawl--DAWG! Oh yeah, and he barks back at dogs....imagine that! I did have a puppy :)
Yesterday, while cleaning up the house ---daddy was vacuuming--- and keeping his eye on Jackson while I tooled about the house doing various things......when I heard this wonderful splashing noise. Keep in mind daddy knew the boy was in the bathroom.....so of course he thought it was funny when the boy was splashing in the TOILET!!! So we antibacterialed his hands and arms and moved on while daddy was still vacuuming and laughing :)

We had a big John Deere Bday party with friends and family. The little man had a fun week with Mimi and Paw paw and all his new toys. Cake was good, food was good , and fellowship was good so we had a great day and then went to another birthday party the next day. It was a big Memorial Day weekend but we all had a blast. I will post more pictures later of the little guy....

Can't believe I did this.........

......I am so technologically challenged I can't believe I could do this. My friend did one and I thought what a great way to stay in touch with friends and family and show off the billions of pictures I take of Jackson a week. No, I will not post all one billion but maybe a million :) Okay, so I will keep trying to find the time to update this and getting new pictures up.