03 March 2009


Miss G had her 9 month well baby visit today. She checked out well weighing in at 18 lbs and 29 inches long. She is growing just fine, and even decided to leave a little surprise in the dr. office.
As the corpsman and I moved her from baby scale to table she was naked and I had her suspended in air sort of infront of me and not sure why really....but grabbing another diaper from the bag (all in about 5 seconds) I feel something hit my leg and foot. She has dropped a big one right in the exam room while suspended in air........hallelujah I didn't have her propped on my hip , right? What mess that would have been. And oh, it gets better. The poor corpsman had to pick up my baby's poop with gloves and a biohazard bag.....(is baby poop really a biohazard--wait I have seen some of those diapers--it's quite possible). And all the while this stone faced corpsman is saying it's okay mam as I apologize and when LM peers through my legs to see the poop he says and I kid you not "did she crap on the floor?" (again let me emphasize I am fully aware that my slip up the other day caused this unfortunate use of the word)
Mommy says: "son, remember we don't use that word"
LM: "Mommy, it's okay I say crap.....I can say whatever I want to" (a phrase I have used w/ Miss G inreference to her being able to play w/ what she wants to , look at what she wants to, etc. b/c he seems to think she shouldn't breathe in our same universe lately) ! So again that backfired on me and he keeps saying the word and finally I hear the corpsman snickering b/c he couldn't hold it in any longer which in turn made me start laughing while trying not to look at LM. So that was our morning funny.....what will this afternoon bring?

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