28 August 2008

a forward from a friend......

I just got a forward from a friend. Talking about savoring every moment with your kids....I look around and everyone seems so busy, myself included. Guilty......of doing laundry or vacuuming when I should be playing trains or making faces at my babies. They are growing so fast and we'll never get this time back.....is it so important to be involved in so much? I keep telling myself that I won't be the parent running around like crazy but I feel I already am. I hate they are growing so fast.........I sometimes don't think it's fair that you change so much so fast in the first few years and then slow down ....you don't really change that much from 7 to 8 but from 1 to 2 you really change. I just wish I could stop time for a little while and enjoy every word, every expression , every second of them. Sometimes I still look at them and cry because I am so happy and can't believe God trusted me enough to care for these little beings and bring them up into the world. I hate that daddy is missing so much but I suppose that is the sacrifice we are all making for his work, our country, our world. He would miss almost as much if he were here working because he works so hard but I love seeing the smile on his face now when he can see them on the webcam. It's the best smile I have ever seen when he can see these babies or even hear them since the webcam isn't exactly going great from his current location. Oh well, I have gotten all sentimental now and I better get Miss G from her nap.

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