08 August 2008

Seriously........are you kidding me?

I know I say those two things A LOT.....but itmust be a lot when my LM--the two year old looked at me and said them after I asked him to do something. He even used it in the right connotation and inflection in his voice. It was all I had not to crack up and explain that he wasn't supposed to talk to mommy that way. He is also saying " hey, don't you push me" when I touch him or give him a little nudge through a doorway or something and "hey, don't you talk to me like that". Man, I am getting mine is all I know....my parents always said I would and here it is but gosh I love that kid.
On a different note Miss G grabbed my face today and thought it was hilarious and smiled so big. That's our big accomplishment today. Not bad for a random Friday in August :)

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