14 August 2008

Sweet BT

What a sweet boy to lay on the bed with my babies and not move an inch even though LM was crawling all over him and G laying on him. He started by laying with Miss G nose to nose. Miss G is starting to scoot herself on her back on the floor. She is really strong and won't be long before she can roll to her side. LM is such a good big brother and very gentle with her. We are recovering from a summer cold....or Miss G and I are recovering. We definitely have nothing exciting to report....daddy appears to be doing well in his new location although I am sure he would rather be back home.....we would prefer that too!

I feel as if my little writings on here have gotten very generic.....I will try to improve because I am boring myself lately.....guess I am just too tired to be funny or cute right now. My brain is definitely not working at full capacity. We have an IA spouse meeting Friday night so that should be interesting to see if anyone shows up. I certainly hope so.....it would be nice to meet other people going through the same thing we are going through. It's always nice to meet other moms with whom to swap information. Gotta go get these kiddos dressed. But why does my daughter always look like a deer in headlights....is it the flash before the picture actually takes.

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